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Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Monday, May 14, 2018
The most common signs and causes of hair loss
By abdelrahman ali at 5:51 AM
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The most common you may not realize, but you lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. In fact, everyone does it.
What happens if you start to lose more? Losing one's hair is a horrible feeling. This can lead to problems with self-esteem, depression, embarrassment and a general lack of confidence. While hair loss is much more common among men, it can also affect women too.
The reasons for hair loss are vast and vary from person to person. Some people experience a slow and gradual loss over many years and others lose their hair in a few months. No matter how it affects you, it always helps to educate you.
Let's review some of the common signs of hair loss and possible causes.
Signs to watch
Hair loss manifests itself in different ways. There are a number of symptoms to watch for. These symptoms may be related to why you are losing your hair, so be sure to examine your scalp and keep a record of what's going on.
It is important to consult your doctor if you think you are losing your hair prematurely or as a result of other health problems. First, look for the following warning signs.
Gradual thinning of the hair is the most common way for men and women to experience a loss. The thinning process often occurs over many years.
For men, thinning begins as a balding forehead. It starts on the sides near the temples and increases in depth with time.
Women, on the other hand, experience a general thinning on the whole head. A good indication is if your share starts to increase in size.
Bald spots
One of the most frustrating signs of hair loss is a bald spot somewhere on the scalp. This can be very embarrassing because sometimes it happens quite quickly.
Men experience it much more often, although this is also possible for women. It is a common symptom of male pattern baldness. A bald point can start relatively small towards the back of the head and increase in size.
One of the first signs of hair loss is an itchy or irritated scalp. If this happens suddenly and you have no history of dandruff, it may mean that your hair is falling out.
It is possible that your scalp has an accumulation of sebum, which causes itching. Sebum is the oil in your skin. If the pores of your scalp are clogged with sebum, the hair follicles may become blocked.
Keep in mind that an itchy scalp could be the result of a number of things. You will need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause.
Your hair grows more slowly
If you notice that you do not need a haircut as often, this could be one of the signs of hair loss. Male pattern baldness occurs because your hair follicles enter a rest phase as you get older. This means that your hair will not grow as fast.
Physical proof
You may also notice signs of shower loss when washing your hair. You can also see more falls when you brush or comb your hair.
You can also look for hair left on your pillow when you wake up. All this could indicate that you have started losing your hair.
Possible causes
Now that we have reviewed some of the common signs of hair loss, let's examine why this could happen.
Remember, everyone is different and your genetic makeup can have a lot to do with the loss of your hair. However, some environmental and health issues may also be the cause.
Too much stress seems to wreak havoc on every aspect of our health, and hair loss is no exception.
Stress affects your blood pressure, which often means that your scalp does not get good blood circulation. If you are under constant stress, do not be surprised if you notice that your hair is falling.
The good thing is that you can reverse the amount of the loss by finding ways to reduce stress.
Hair care products
Unfortunately, many branded hair care products include harmful chemicals. Your skin absorbs these chemicals when washing or styling your hair. Over time, the result could be hair loss.
If you think this is happening, try switching to all-natural products and see if the loss stops. Capillus offers a wide range of products to help hair recovery.
Some women experience hair loss during pregnancy due to stress and hormonal changes.
It is also common after the physical and emotional stress of childbirth. Some women notice hair loss in the weeks following the birth of their baby. It usually stops and hair regrows in a few months.
Do not get enough protein
If you can not discover a cause after seeing signs of hair loss, this can be connected to your diet. It is something that many people neglect. The good thing is, you may simply need more protein.
When your body does not get enough protein, it naturally nourishes the protein it contains. One of the ways it does it is by reducing hair growth.
This is one of the most common causes of becoming bald. You could be genetically prone to losing your hair. This applies to both men and women.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to fight against heredity. However, talk to your doctor about what you can do to slow down the process.
Some prescription medications cause hair loss in many people. Some common medications that do this include antidepressants, pain relievers and antihypertensive medications.
Monday, May 7, 2018
What women look for in a man
By abdelrahman ali at 4:26 PM
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حاليًا ، ما يقرب من 124.6 مليون أمريكي بالغ (50.2٪) عازبون. كان هذا الرقم حوالي 22٪ في عام 1950. على الرغم من الزيادة في عدد الأشخاص الذين يتجهون بشكل صحيح ويستخدمون مواقع المواعدة عبر الإنترنت ، إلا أن العزوبية أكثر شيوعًا من أي وقت مضى.
إذا كنت توظف حاليًا لتسوية ، فقد تتساءل بالضبط عما تبحث عنه النساء في الرجل. لحسن الحظ ، لقد بحثنا ويمكننا مساعدتك في حل اللغز حتى تتمكن أخيرًا من فهم ما تبحث عنه النساء.
مستعد؟ لنبدأ.
ما تريده النساء حقًا
عندما يتعلق الأمر بالعثور على شريك ، يميل الرجال إلى أن يكونوا أبسط بكثير من النساء. ومع ذلك ، تميل النساء إلى أن يكونوا أكثر تعقيدًا بعض الشيء. يحتاج بعض الرجال إلى المساعدة في فهم ما تبحث عنه المرأة في الرجل. فيما يلي بعض الأشياء التي تتوقعها معظم النساء من شركائهن:
تبحث معظم النساء عن رجل نزيه. بدون الصدق ، لا توجد طريقة لبناء الثقة. يجب على الرجال الذين يرغبون في الاستقرار مع هذه المرأة المثالية أن يكونوا صادقين ومباشرين.لا توجد امرأة تريد ممارسة الألعاب ، ولا تهتم بمحاولة فهم ما إذا كنت تقول الحقيقة. الصدق قاسي منذ اليوم الأول.
هذا لا يعني أن المرأة تتوقع جذب انتباهك كل دقيقة من كل يوم. لكنهم يريدون أن يشعروا بالاعتزاز والتميز. تحب النساء الأشياء الصغيرة التي يفعلها الرجال ليشعروا بالرضا. قد يعني ذلك مدح ابتسامتها ، أو الإشارة إلى وقت قص شعرها ، أو ترك ملاحظة في الصباح عندما تستيقظ.رومانسي
بالطبع ، قد لا تكون دائمًا الشوكولاتة والورود ، وربما لن تفعل ذلك طوال اليوم. تتوفق معظم النساء مع العائلة والأصدقاء والمسؤوليات الوظيفية. في كثير من الأحيان ، يبدو أن الرومانسية تختفي بمجرد أن يكون الرجال في علاقة ملتزمة.حافظ على الرومانسية حية مع موعد أسبوعي في الليل. أشعل بعض الشموع ، أو شغل بعض الموسيقى الجيدة أو استحم من أجل امرأة حياتك.
على الرغم من أنه لا ينبغي أبدًا عرض الذكاء (هناك بعض الأشياء غير الجذابة مثل الرجل الذي يعتقد أنه "يعرف كل شيء") ، إلا أنها سمة جذابة. عندما تلتقي بشكل ممتع ومتواضع ، ستجد أنه من الأسهل بكثير سحر المرأة الطيبة.إذا كنت خبيرًا في مجال معين ، فاستخدمه كوسيلة "أنا أعلم عنه وأود أن أعرضه لك" ، وليس كوسيلة "أنا أذكى منك كثيرًا".
الذكاء مثير ، والمرأة تحب التعلم من شخص مميز.
اسأل النساء اللواتي أنهين للتو علاقة أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لانهيار العلاقة ومن المحتمل أن تسمع كلمة "شغف". اليوم ، تعتبراللمسات الجسدية الصغيرة مثل الضربة على الظهر أو القبلة على الرقبة مهمة أيضًا وستساعد في الحفاظ على العاطفة في علاقتك.
حس فكاهي
من أفضل التجارب التي تبحث عنها المرأة في الرجل؟ حس الدعابة. إن كونك مضحكًا يجعلك أكثر جاذبية ، وتبحث النساء دائمًا عن رجل يمكنه إضحاكهن.هذا لا يعني أن عليك أن تمزح باستمرار. لكن أن تكون قادرًا على الضحك على نفسك هو المفتاح. لا أحد يريد أن يكون مع شخص يأخذ نفسه على محمل الجد.
تريد النساء أن يكونوا مع شخص يمكنه الاعتناء بأنفسهم. سيكون عليك إثبات أنك مستقل وقادر. هذا يعني اتخاذ قراراتك الخاصة ، وإعداد وجبتك ودفع الإيجار في الوقت المحدد.لا تريد النساء أن تكون أمك ، ومن الضروري أن تثبت أنه يمكنك تحمل وزنك (ووزن شريكك إذا لزم الأمر). إنها نقطة تحول عندما يحتاج الرجال إلى الدافع والمساعدة والمشورة والرفقة والراحة.
تحب النساء التحدث. كثيرا. تتكلم النساء حوالي 20.000 كلمة في اليوم ، أي أكثر بـ 13.000 كلمة من معظم الرجال.قد يعرف شريكك أنك تحبه ولكنك ترغب في سماعك تقول ذلك أيضًا. لذا دعها تعرف أنك تعتقد أنها ساخنة. اخبرها انها جميلة يساعدها ذلك على الشعور بالثقة ويتيح لها معرفة أنه يمكنك رؤية الجهد الذي بذلته.
من المهم أيضًا التواصل عندما لا تكون سعيدًا. لا يوجد شيء أكثر إحباطًا من سماع شخص يقول إنه بخير عندما يكون على ما يرام. تقدر النساء الرجال الذين يتواصلون بشكل رائع ويتجنبون التصرف بسلبية عدوانية
مثلما ينجذب الرجال إلى النساء الجميلات ، كذلك النساء. الحفاظ على لياقتك البدنية ، والحفاظ على لياقتك ، وارتداء ملابس جيدة والاستحمام بانتظام ، كل هذا يقطع شوطًا طويلاً.هذا لا يعني أنه عليك أن تبدو مثل براد بيت. لكن الحفاظ على نظافتك الشخصية والفخر بمظهرك سيقطع شوطًا طويلاً.
هل أنت ما تبحث عنه المرأة في الرجل؟
ما رأيك في السمات أعلاه؟ هل تعتقد أنه يمكنك التحقق من معظمهم؟ هل لديك ما تبحث عنه المرأة في الرجل؟ أم أن هناك مجالات يمكنك تحسينها؟
تسعد معظم النساء بالتواجد مع رجل "مثبت" قليلاً طالما أنه مستعد للتركيز على تحسين الذات. لا يوجد شيء أقل جاذبية من رجل مثبط الحماس وسعيد بالضعف.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
5 complete treatments are extraordinary and effective
By abdelrahman ali at 4:12 PM
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Let's be honest: health care in the United States is expensive. Sometimes it's forbidden.
That's why more and more Americans are turning to out-of-home therapies for Western medicine.
But it's not just herbs and crystals - there are a variety of these treatments out there. I have heard of some of them in the mainstream.
Here are five of our favorites.
1. Cupping
If you see Michael Phelps and his strange circular bruises that won the gold medals at the Rio Olympics, you know about cupping.
That's basically what the name means - there are cups. They can be bamboo, glass, pottery or silicone, but they are cuts.
In a tasting session, the therapist will take a special Cuba and put it on your skin for a few minutes to do the aspiration. This, among other things, created these individual circular bruises.
The basic idea is that this process will help stimulate blood flow to the applied areas, as well as relieve pain and inflammation. It can also be a kind of deep tissue massage.
While suction cups are one of those modern holistic treatments, they are not new - they go back to ancient Egypt. In fact, one of the oldest medical books in the world, is the Iberian papyrus, describing the cupping treatments of ancient Egypt in 1550 BC.
2. Think
This is one of the least common holistic treatments because reflex therapy is very similar to massage therapy. It focuses only on the hands, feet and ears.Well, the hands and feet are predictable enough, they require a lot of work, but why the ears?
The science of thinking believes that these areas correspond to different organs and systems throughout the body, and that pressure on certain areas of the hands, feet and ears will affect the organs in favor of your health.
Many practitioners use their hands in the same way as a massage therapist, but some use different materials such as rubber bullets and wooden sticks as auxiliary tools.
Think of it this way - cats and dogs love ear massage for some reason. If all else fails, you will receive a massage of the hands, feet and ears.
3. Probiotics
When you opt for holistic treatments, probiotics may be the most complex treatments listed here. You may have heard of them (which you should take). They are in a family of things like hormone treatments that you think you should probably learn more about.But what is probiotics?
Fundamentally? Live bacteria. Also, live yeast (aka mushrooms) is a bit rude when you think about it for a very long time.
The basic assumption is that your body is full of bacteria (not the massive type, you need a lot of these bacteria to do things for you). Probiotics are called "good" bacteria because they promote intestinal health.
Why would you introduce new bacteria into your system if you already have good bacteria in your body? Well, under certain conditions (like a round of antibiotics), you can use probiotics to help replace them.
In fact, probiotics can already be taken without knowing it - probiotics are in various foods like yogurt, pickled cabbage, miso soup and kimchi.
4. Ricky
Contact a doctor in energy! Well, the Reiki wizard, anyway.Reiki is a form of Japanese healing based on the idea of the energy of life that passes through us all. When this energy is high, our lives are balanced and happy, but when it is reduced, we will probably feel sick or tense.
This life force responds to thoughts and feelings, which is the way people (because they are part of you in the end). And here's the role of American therapists - they are trained to influence that energy and restore it to balance.
Basically, when you feel stressed or unbalanced, you go to the Reiki Wizard, which will help restore positive energy to break down the accumulation of negative energy. In standard healing, you will lie on the massage table, and energy flows from the practitioner's hands to the client through a series of hand movements.
Is it strange? Certainly. Do some people swear by this? Absolutely
5. Ayurvedic medicine
Ayurvedic medicine is not a single holistic therapy, but rather a family of holistic therapies. In fact, it is one of the oldest medical systems in the world, which began in India about 3,000 years ago, and many of its practices predate written documents.The word Ayurveda combines the words Sanskrit Ayur (life) and Veda (science), so Ayurveda literally means the science of life.
Like the humor of the ancient Greek system, the key concepts of Ayurveda include prakriti (the constitution of the body), dosha (the forces of life) and universal interconnection.
There are three doshas that represent unique mind-body types:
Everyone has a dominant dominant dosha that determines how they should approach their health.
Vata is composed of air elements, and the common features include a love of excitement and new experiences, quick to anger and quick to forgive, dry skin, cold hands and feet and sensitive digestion . In case of imbalance, Vatas may suffer from hypertension, insomnia, agitation and digestive problems.
Pitta is made of fire and water, and Pitta is said to govern all bodily functions related to digestion and energy production.
As such, Pittas are said to have excellent digestion, superb concentration, warm body temperature, sharp intellect and abundant energy. When unbalanced, Pittas can be angry and have stomach ulcers.
Kapha is derived from the elements of water and earth and is an integral part of the structure of everything, down to the cellular level. For this reason, Kaphas are naturally calm, thoughtful and loving, with an inherent ability to enjoy life and find comfort in routines.
When they are unbalanced, Kaphas cling to things - be they objects, relationships or tasks - long after they stop eating.
Strange health beyond holistic therapies
Our strange health resources do not end with holistic therapies, and we know that your curiosity for non-wall remedies does not end with Vatas and live bacteria either.
Take a look at our blog for more articles on news and strange health trends, including these five weird facts about cannabis or weird ways to work your glutes. If you have ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments section.
Monday, April 30, 2018
7 ways to relieve chronic foot pain and back pain
By abdelrahman ali at 5:05 AM
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Suffering from foot and back pain? Do you have trouble sleeping and moving? Before the grains appear, consider making some lifestyle changes.
Antidepressants and anti-inflammatories have innumerable side effects. Kidney problems, bloating, depression and fluid retention are just some of the male problems. Even modest aspirin can cause stomach ulcers and indigestion when used for a long time.
The good news is that there are many ways to relieve pain naturally. For example, some exercises can strengthen the back muscles and reduce tension. Ice packs help inflammation and swelling.
First, it is important to determine the underlying cause of the pain. In this way, you will be able to find the treatment that best suits your needs.
What are the causes of foot and back pain?
More than 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain at any time. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Can affect flexibility, movement and quality of life.
Sometimes the pain can radiate into the legs and feet. It can also cause pain in the chest or abdomen. Sciatica, for example, can cause chronic pain in the back and legs.
Foot and back pain may or may not be related. All this is due to the cause of the symptoms. Your feet can be damaged for various reasons, such as:
Spears bone
Achilles tendons
Stress fractures
Psoriatic arthritis
Plant fascia
In the spine
Flat feet
Sports injuries
Some lifestyle factors, such as sitting for a long time or wearing high heels, can also cause foot pain. However, this symptom may also indicate a serious condition such as arthritis. In this case, you may also have back pain.
Under normal circumstances, the pain must disappear within a few days or weeks. If this does not happen, consult your doctor as soon as possible.
How to relieve pain naturally
Unless you are suffering from a serious illness, natural remedies must do the trick. Even if you have chronic pain, it can help relieve discomfort.
Whatever the cause of your problem, it is important to act as soon as possible. If left untreated, the pain may continue and become chronic. In the worst case, it can leave you disabled.
To help you, we have compiled a list of the best ways to relieve foot and back pain naturally. Let's go for it!
Massage Booking
Massage therapy has long been used for its ability to reduce pain and pain. It not only improves these symptoms, it also helps in the problems of depression and sleep. In addition, it increases the levels of endorphins, which helps to relieve pain and improve your mood.
This healing practice increases blood flow to the joints and muscles, speeding up recovery. At the same time, improves flexibility and range of motion. Plus, you'll have more Zzz and more power.
Stay active
When you have foot and back pain, you want to get as much rest as possible. However, many bedrocks can increase symptoms and reduce joint stiffness.
Research suggests that regular exercise, especially strength training, can significantly reduce pain and speed healing.
Plus, it helps you maintain a healthy weight. Each additional book puts pressure on the spine and joints, aggravating the pain.
Try yoga
In clinical trials, people practicing yoga showed greater pain reduction and increased flexibility compared to the control group. They also reported improved mental well-being and reduced stress.
Yoga stretches and strengthens your spine with better flexibility of the joints. It also helps to develop the core strength, which contributes to a good development.
Some positions are particularly effective against back pain. Your exercise should include setting up the bow, arching the bell, setting up the camels, setting up the cat and the image of the dolphin.
Avoid prolonged sitting
Sitting for a long time is a major factor contributing to foot and back pain. In the long term, the risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity may increase.
Statistics indicate that the extended session of
Use a foam roller
Athletes and gym enthusiasts use the foam to calm tense muscles and recover more quickly after training.
This practice involves massaging the affected areas with a lacrosse ball or a foam roller. Think of it as a business of self-massage or deep tissue massage.
Foam rolling acts by breaking down muscle knots or triggering pain points. It also improves circulation and promotes tissue repair.
Take natural supplements
Glucosamine sulfate, magnesium, calcium and other supplements can help relieve foot and back pain naturally. Some increase the strength of the bones and increase your pain threshold. Others improve the mobility of the lumbar spine.
If your pain is due to arthritis, take glucosamine. This compound lubricates the joints and increases mobility. For this reason, it is often prescribed to those who suffer from arthritis and severe joint pain.
Restore your health and your range of motion
These are just a few of the many ways to reduce pain and keep your joints healthy. Depending on your needs, you can also try Epsom's salt baths, ice therapy, Pilates and stretching.
Try to limit stress and squeeze more "me" into your routine. The more relaxed you are, the less discomfort you feel. Relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can improve your body's ability to cope with pain.
Do you have other tips? What treatments for foot and back pain have you tried so far? Share your experience below!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
How to train brain games increase memory and productivity
By abdelrahman ali at 6:25 AM
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It may seem silly at first to hear that you can boost memory and productivity by playing brain training games, but Austrian researchers do not agree.
In February 2018, a research center in Vienna published its findings - dogs that play brain games have more energy and brains more clearly.
But if dogs enjoy playing a game or two games, you can do it too.
Studies have shown that video games can help stroke victims increase their mobility.
How does it work
Your brain has the ability to keep changing throughout your life.
It is called the brain of the brain, and refers to the growth of brain tissue when you undergo new physical or mental activity.
Just like working to strengthen your muscles, you can actually exercise your brain to improve its cognitive abilities. Most often, brain training games work to improve your perception. Sensory perception is what makes your brain fast in processing and digesting information.
The amount of information and the speed with which information is transmitted to the brain is important for developing better memory and increasing productivity.
These games help these areas by engaging you in different scenarios where you have to remember things to complete the task. It also teaches you to recognize things you may not notice at first.
By using the brain with Nutrobics, your brain can gain some skills in memory and productivity (see this blog pop-up if you are interested in learning the benefits of supplements that help your brain better).
Brain training games are examples
A good brain training game should be able to speed up your treatment abilities, improve your recognition skills and learn to ignore distractions such as noise and people.
What can you play?
Here are some examples of brain training games that work.
Escape Rooms
If you are a social person who enjoys group activity, you can try to organize a party in a room to escape.
Escape rooms are incredibly popular with thrill seekers, but few people realize that life-size puzzles are really good for your mind.
It forces you to solve problems and think critically. You must also train your memory to try to escape by remembering the different clues you collect along the way.
Not only do you remember the clues you have found, but also clues that your peers have found.
Escape rooms are sometimes provided locally, so be sure to walk around your area.
Another social butterfly game - Organize a frivolous night out with your friends.
You can find a lot of small questions on the internet and have several categories so that you and your friends can test your brain knowledge through counseling.
It's not just a brain training game, it's also one of the most famous team building games.
What you can do
Beyond games, you can also learn more about your mind by conducting an online search.
You have several healthy blogs to start your research and learn more about how to keep your brain in good shape.
Do not let your mind fall. Never play!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
The most powerful program for the rehabilitation and recovery of drugs and alcohol
By abdelrahman ali at 1:50 PM
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help for addiction to drugs or alcohol is not an easy task. But
access to a
rehabilitation center is an important step towards your future health. Here is
what you can expect and why you should not be afraid.
when we suffer, we fear a dramatic change. You know that your life will be
transformed once you enter the path of recovery and healing. But getting into
therapy is probably easier than the life you are leading now.
is because you will have professionals with you every step of the way. You will
interact with your peers and they will have the same difficulties as you. You
have resources to help you build a better life.
you lost contact with friends and family? Rehabilitation is an opportunity to
invite them back into your life. This is because you show that you are doing
something about your problem.
best thing, would not treat a bad person. You are a sick person who deserves
Why do I need Rehab?
addicts avoid getting treatment. In 2013, only 7.8% of American alcoholics
received the treatment they needed. Deaths associated with drugs and alcohol
are tragic and unnecessary given the options available.
addicts view recovery as an impossible success. They feel trapped by their
habits and daily conflicts with their abuse. After rehabilitation, they learn
that it is a gradual process that they take one day at a time.
most important element is your motivation. You do not have to go through the
absolute gates to recover. You can introduce professional care and work with
them towards well-being.
Visit Detox first
first obstacle to many addicts is to get rid of toxins. Most rehabilitation
centers require that patients be patient. You must visit the rehab center
before starting.
is the process of getting rid of chemicals. You will not need to make any
changes in your life during this time. That's why many users stop getting rid
of toxins and just pick up.
can see your treatment through. You will not bounce between ups and downs. You
will immediately see a better standard of living.
Select an establishment
your treatment area is another challenge. The luxury facilities offer a wide
range of services. But even public services provide the basic resources they
an establishment with good reviews and appropriate costs. Work with your family
to choose the right place for you. Above all, you want regular personal
attention from counselors and professionals.
a local rehab center for sober friends and family. If you live in Pennsylvania , look for a Pennsylvania Rehabilitation
Center near you
5things to expect once inside your
first thing you do when you enter the establishment is to congratulate
yourself. You have completed the first major challenge of your recovery. Now,
relax and focus on your treatment, go for it.
have one goal that now convinces: Recovery. All aspects of the outside world
can be put aside. Money, employment or school should not be a concern.
are five things to expect once you start rehabilitation. By investing in these
benefits, be aware of yourself. You can notice social and psychological offers
begins when you are accepted. This is an important step that is often
overlooked by new patients. Doctors and counselors use the withdrawal information
to plan your treatment.
as open and honest as possible about your suffering. They are the last people
in the world who govern you. Discover the psychological problems, all the
problems of addiction and all the territories of self-destruction at the
2Manage the withdrawal
with detoxification, you probably need withdrawal symptoms. These range from
the main frail alcoholics to depression.
can help you treat these effects. Communicate with them about your mental,
physical and emotional symptoms. He will prescribe medication or will invite
you to consult a counselor if you need.
takes many forms in rehabilitation. You are probably showing a counselor and a
psychologist. You can not see your doctor more often because of other patients.
But your advisor will be with you at least once a week.
you have psychological problems, you can see a therapy. Rehabilitation
therapists work with you not only on psychological issues. They also allow you
to adapt to a normal human life.
can induce behavioral competence, group therapy, or both. Behavioral therapy
allows you to manage daily stress and social interactions. Group therapy helps
you find common ground with other patients and add a healthy social element to
your life.
you do not take the best care for yourself before. These practices can adhere
to you as much as your addiction. Rehabilitation professionals allow you to
develop a healthier lifestyle in general.
start by serving you three regular meals. You can also have access to regular
snacks and drinks. You must develop your physical strength to participate in
appropriate treatment.
is also the promotion of territories. This will be an essential part of your
treatment and working with your advisor. You must adhere to these methods
because they are an important part of healing.
territories may include artistic expression, mental exercise or daily exercise.
The daily is an excellent habit because it helps you to follow your progress.
Check your income after two or three weeks and you will notice that your
situation has improved since then.
your thoughts this way is usually healthy. Allows you to tackle your problems
one step at a time. You will train again with the written word.
5Post-treatment preparation
start talking about your treatment for a return to your life. They will not
just push you out of the unprepared door. Keep in mind that your treatment does
not start once you leave.
will probably be invited to participate in an external treatment. It's a great
way to keep a front and middle treatment when you adjust to everyday life. You
have access to critical care and resources in this way.
will make sure you understand your addiction through and through it. The more
you understand your mind and your directions, the less likely you are to
contract. You may be encouraged to join a support group such as Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
the comparison is the despair." It's your journey and not who else.
Tracking your progress beyond the reach of progress is very different from
will be amazed at what this experience will bring you in the long run. But do
not be fooled - it's really a progressive way to get there. Do not doubt
yourself when you make steady progress each day.